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Recent Project in Long Beach

Recent Painting Commission for Long Beach Home

For a recent painting commission, one of our long-term clients in Long Beach contacted us to assist her in finding a piece of art for a large wall in her home. Living by the beach, she wanted a part of the ocean in her home.

For this painting commission, we went through our vast reference library. We also used our client’s and her interior designer’s input. In the search, we came across Hokusai’s famous piece, “The Great Wave,” which he created between 1830 and 1832. Although this Long Beach home is not Japanese in style, we all agreed Hokusai’s composition would impact her living room for this painting commission.

We considered colour photography and 3-dimensional wall sculptures. After exhausting all options, we knew we had to have a painting commissioned for the space. We all wished to use a local artist for the painting commission, so we selected a Long Beach artist with whom we have collaborated many times.

We provided the artist with photographs of the space and the exact elevations of the wall. Then, the artist created a unique piece using the information and colour swatches. The energy in the painting captures the essence of “The Great Wave” in an almost abstract style.

Our installer just installed this 80″ x 60″ painting, and what a significant impact this painting has brought to this home in Long Beach.  If you are looking for that special piece for that particular spot in your home or office, contact us, and we’ll be more than happy to consult with you on your project, and remember to follow us on Facebook and Instagram.

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